
Kuala Lumpur essentially has equatorial type of climate. To know more about weather forecast & climatic conditions of Kuala Lumpur, read on.

Kuala Lumpur Weather

Climate: Equatorial
Annual Rainfall: 2,266 mm
Maximum Temperature: 37°C
Minimum Temperature: 19°C

Since KL is located in the western region of Peninsular Malaysia, it is guarded by the Titiwangsa Mountains on the east and Indonesia's Sumatra Island on the west. Probably that's why Kuala Lumpur is marked by equatorial climate all over the year. Such type of weather is characterized by heavy humidity, together with hot climate and ample of rain. Here, the temperature normally varies from 30°C to 34°C during the day and 25°C to 28°C during the night. However, as soon as rain showers drench the conurbation, the temperature falls down.

Kuala Lumpur receives most of its rainfall from the southwest monsoon, i.e. from September to April. The eastern monsoon gets stronger between October and January, in conjunction with heavy rains and thunderstorms. It suggests that for most of the year, KL gets rain showers and sporadic thunderstorms. The driest months are May, June and July, when there is a little relief from heavy downpour. Even the dry months receive an average rainfall of 125 mm per month.

Though the storms are comparatively shorter, the showers actually bring a cooling atmosphere to the capital city. Temperatures usually remain constant and hardly any drastic change is visible. The maximum temperatures linger between 31°C and 33°C, while minimums float between 22°C and 23.5°C. KL has never experienced temperature beyond 37°C and below 19°C. Whenever there is a heavy rainfall, flooding is a regular affair in the city, particularly in the city centre and downstream areas.

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